Leyes y políticas basadas en los derechos, en información comprobada y en una perspectiva de género

Los marcos de gobernanza que abordan la migración no tendrán automáticamente una perspectiva de género. Esos marcos pueden estar sesgados de partida a favor de uno de los géneros, o simplemente hacer caso omiso del aspecto del género. Las políticas de ese tipo pueden dar la impresión de que tratan a todas las personas por igual, pero pasan por alto las diferentes necesidades y realidades de los hombres, las mujeres, los niños, las niñas y las personas no binarias. Esto puede generar sesgos y discriminación contra uno o varios grupos (Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), 2016b).

Table 1. Gender-biased, gender-neutral, and gender-responsive policies




  • Policies that directly discriminate along gender lines.
  • Policies that restrict access to migration programmes based on gender or gender identity.
  • Policies that intend to have the same impact on men, women, boys, girls and non-binary individuals, yet fail to address gender-specific needs and circumstances.
  • The outcomes of gender-neutral policies can still be detrimental on the basis of gender or gender identity.
  • Policies that address any normative bias and discrimination on the basis of gender and gender identity.
  • Policies that address representation, decision-making and distribution of resources between men, women, boys, girls and non-binary individuals.
  • Policies that are based on sex-disaggregated data.

OSCE, 2009.

To be gender responsive, migration policies and strategies should be developed through a gender lens. Non-gender-responsive policies can create barriers to safe, orderly and regular migration for different gender groups, either directly or indirectly. Moreover, when policies are not gender responsive, they may fail to address risks of violence, exploitation and abuse in a particular migration scenario. This may include cases in specific transit routes, or cases where experiences settling in destination countries differ for different gender groups. Gender-responsive policies are necessary where there is the existence or risk of gender inequalities in practices and attitudes.

Table 2. Checklist for formulating gender-responsive policies



  1. Take a whole-of-society and whole-of-government approaches by establishing multi-ministerial and multi-stakeholder mechanisms to support the identification, development, implementation and monitoring of key policies and interventions
  2. Identify the migration issue that needs to be addressed
  3. Identify the target group
  4. Commit to making the policy gender responsive and rights based



  1. Report the gender patterns in the current situation
    • This can include a mix of desk study of existing qualitative research and quantitative data alongside consultations with relevant stakeholders, especially those who are affected
    • Ensure proper representation of women, men, girls, boys and non-binary individuals in the studies and public consultations
    • Assess whether there are gendered differences in terms of rights, resources, participation and norms in the policy area being considered
    • In migration terms, assess whether there are gender differences in terms of access to specific pathways, rates and type of employment, representation and discrimination
  2. Formulate observations
    • For example, it might be observed that more men attend camp meetings while more programming is focused on women
    • Keep in mind that discriminatory instances are less likely to be reported, for instance, against LGBTI individuals
  3. List possible causes and consequences of these observed patterns
    • Analyse whether there are gendered patterns caused by existing policies (either directly or indirectly)
    • Assess whether social and gendered norms encourage men to take more decision-making roles
    • Evaluate whether gendered patterns are impacting access to resources, opportunities or representation


  1. Identify the potential gendered impacts of no policy intervention
  2. Identify the potential gendered impact of the proposed policy
    • What are the different needs of men, women, boys, girls and non-binary individuals?
    • Will the planned policy intervention address these different needs in an equal manner?
    • Will the policy intervention impact different areas of inequality (such as the income of men versus women and non-binary individuals, perception of safety, or employment rates)?


  1. Identify key requirements for designing policy intervention in a gender-responsive way
  2. Review the policy draft against international standards, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Global Compact for Migration (see International instruments, initiatives and dialogues).
  3. State the gender-responsive intention of the policy in its preamble
  4. Establish mechanisms to ensure gender-responsive implementation and monitoring, including through budgeting methods, strengthened data collection and analysis, as well as investing in capacity-building.

European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), 2016.

An important part of developing a gender-responsive migration policy is understanding the impact that social and gender norms can have in shaping discriminatory practices (either directly or indirectly) along gender lines. A common example of this is seen in labour and migration policies around domestic work, which is often excluded from labour law given its inherently home-based quality. This had led many governments to ban female migration into domestic work (Napier-Moore, 2017). However, such policy decisions do not address the factors that influence female migrants to migrate for domestic work in the first place, and instead such policies have resulted in irregular migration where the risk is significantly higher (Napier-Moore, 2017).

Taking a gender-responsive approach to migration policy can address gender discrimination and lack of gender equality. When movements, services and/or experiences are differentiated along gender lines, gender-responsive policies can respond to such differences. When a policy is gender responsive, it does not favour one gender group and discriminate against others. For example, it is common for shelters and services for victims of human trafficking to be established only for women and girls. This is not gender responsive as it discriminates against men, boys and non-binary individuals.

Good Practice
Gender-responsive migration governance
  • The Indonesian Government has developed a Domestic Worker Roadmap to encourage receiving countries of Indonesian migrants to recognize them as formal workers and grant them rights. It also developed Regulation No.4/2008 which requires a review of regulations in countries of destination that have not signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Indonesia (Birchall, 2016).
  • In the Philippines, the Magna Carta for Women (RA 9710) provides that the State shall exert all efforts to address the causes of outmigration by developing local employment and other economic opportunities and by introducing measures to curb violence and the displacement of local women and girls.
Aplicación de la gobernanza con perspectiva de género

Para la correcta aplicación de políticas que respondan a las cuestiones de género se requieren recursos humanos y financieros adecuados. Dado que la discriminación de género se basa en muchos casos en normas sociales e ideas sobre lo que es “apropiado” y “normal” para los distintos géneros, rara vez desaparece sin una intervención proactiva que modifique las percepciones de fondo. Para ello es necesario modificar también las actitudes de las autoridades públicas que tienen la misión de aplicar las políticas migratorias.

Una forma de fortalecer la aplicación de una política migratoria que tenga en cuenta el género es velar por que entre los oficiales gubernamentales pertinentes haya miembros de todos los grupos de género. También es fundamental que estos oficiales tengan la capacidad de entender los roles de las normas de género y la interacción entre el género y la migración. Algunos Estados han creado unidades especiales encargadas de establecer la diversidad de género en las divisiones y departamentos del gobierno y de velar por la creación de capacidad. Además, es necesario dotar a las políticas de los debidos recursos presupuestarios. Las intervenciones de política deberían contar con los recursos financieros requeridos para poder responder adecuadamente a las cuestiones relacionadas con el género.

La presupuestación con perspectiva de género es una herramienta que analiza los posibles efectos positivos y negativos de la asignación de recursos en los diferentes grupos de género. El objetivo es lograr que las asignaciones presupuestarias promuevan la igualdad de género (OIT, 2016b). Por ejemplo, para poder aplicar una política que garantice a las trabajadoras migrantes el acceso a servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva, se requerirán recursos financieros que permitan a los dispensadores de atención de salud ampliar los servicios prestados. Además, no solo los funcionarios públicos sino también los asociados del sector privado, los proveedores de primera línea, los empleadores, los sindicatos y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deberían entender a fondo la nueva política y la forma de aplicarla. Los responsables de la formulación de políticas pueden establecer metas de fomento de la capacidad para los asociados en la ejecución. De este modo, todos los interesados pertinentes sabrán cómo asignar adecuadamente los recursos para una gobernanza de la migración con perspectiva de género, y entenderán por qué es necesario hacerlo.

Policy Approaches
Building capacity for gender responsiveness
  • Establish a dedicated gender unit and/or require public officials to undertake capacity-building. This would strengthen officials’ understanding of the role of gender in the context of migration.
  • Engage in gender-responsive budgeting by allocating resources for gender-equitable outcomes. (When resources are distributed equally amongst genders, the impact or outcome may not be equal.)
  • Extend accountability for gender-responsive governance to all partners and stakeholders, including the private sector, employers, trade unions and civil society.
Good Practice
Resourcing for gender-responsive migration policy

Bangladesh Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Policy (2016) includes directives specific to the labour migration of women workers, which seek to address financial and human resources. These directives  include:

  1. Establishing a special permanent wing in the Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment for devising approaches and a coordinated implementation of programmes supporting the migration of women workers;
  2. Enhancing gender-responsive budgetary allocations to address the expansion and diversification of women’s participation in the migration process;
  3. Seeking cooperation from various civil society organizations, international donors and NGOs for technical and resource support toward promotion, protection and empowerment programmes;
  4. Increasing the presence of women in labour welfare wings, especially in countries with a significant number of women migrant workers.

UN Women, 2019.

Sistemas accesibles e inclusivos de seguimiento y evaluación

El objetivo del seguimiento y la evaluación de las políticas sensibles a las cuestiones de género es obtener una retroinformación exacta. Para ser accesibles e inclusivos, los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación deben tener un mecanismo que recoja las aportaciones de un amplio abanico de interesados, incluidos los propios migrantes y las personas afectadas por la migración, en que estén representados los diferentes grupos de género. También deberían poseer un mecanismo eficaz de análisis y síntesis de la retroinformación, que permita expresarla en forma de indicadores de género. Podrá establecerse un grupo de trabajo o equipo de tareas que examine y comunique los progresos realizados en la gobernanza de la migración con perspectiva de género a nivel nacional.

To Go Further
  • Demetriades, J. , Gender Indicators: What, Why and How?, 2007. This publication explains the use of gender indicators as a way to measure change. It also addresses what should be measured/considered when making decisions on a particular policy, programme or other activities.
Policy Approaches
Ensuring a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation group
  • Establish a gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation group, made up of representatives of government, employers, trade unions, civil society and representatives of migrants. This can enhance the gender responsiveness of indicators, data collection and reporting.
  • Ensure that monitoring and evaluation groups include those with a working knowledge of gender and migration as well as of monitoring and evaluation. They should be able to identify gaps in data, make recommendations to address these gaps (through gender disaggregation), establish gender indicators and ensure data collection and analysis is gender responsive.
  • Ensure that monitoring and evaluation approaches are developed and implemented in transparent and participatory ways, so that men, women, boys, girls and non-binary individuals can take part without fear of reprisal.

UN Women, 2020.

Mensajes clave
  • Las políticas migratorias sensibles al género combaten de forma proactiva la discriminación de género directa e indirecta que se deriva de las normas y los sesgos de género.
  • Para incluir una perspectiva de género, la gobernanza de la migración debe basarse en los datos e investigaciones disponibles y en la interacción con un abanico amplio y representativo de partes interesadas.
  • Las políticas migratorias sensibles al género deberían acompañarse de un plan de asignación de recursos que permita su adecuada aplicación. Esto supone utilizar métodos de presupuestación con perspectiva de género, establecer dependencias especializadas en el género y aplicar un enfoque integral de fomento de la capacidad entre los asociados en la ejecución.
  • El establecimiento de mecanismos de seguimiento accesibles e inclusivos y la interacción con ellos permiten velar por que las políticas ofrezcan respuestas exactas a los sesgos y la discriminación de género.