Necesidad de coherencia entre las políticas

La migración tiene ramificaciones en una amplia gama de sectores y programas, como la educación, la agricultura, la planificación urbana y la salud. Por lo tanto, para maximizar su impacto en el desarrollo es preciso asegurar la coordinación y coherencia entre los distintos ámbitos de política. Esto es lo que se entiende por incorporación de la migración en la planificación del desarrollo. Los marcos de planificación nacional del desarrollo son cruciales para lograr un progreso concreto y sostenible. Permiten a los responsables de la formulación de políticas adaptar los objetivos y retos globales al contexto nacional, de modo que las estrategias elaboradas se ajusten a las necesidades y los deseos concretos de cada país. Considérese, por ejemplo, el caso de un documento de estrategia de lucha contra la pobreza. La incorporación de la migración en esta planificación significa tener en cuenta este fenómeno al evaluar cada una de las intervenciones planificadas y cada uno de los ámbitos de política abordados en ese documento.

Policy Approaches
Integrating migration in relevant policy areas
  • Identify specific policy areas requiring policy coherence with migration.
  • Establish coordination, planning and review mechanisms between the relevant policy sectors.
  • Acquire data and knowledge on the linkages between migration and other policy areas.
  • Include considerations of links and consequences between policy sectors, as well as their links with migration. For instance, if agricultural reforms do not consider their potential effect on migration dynamics (such as creating rural to urban movement), then this will directly impact the outcomes of urban planning, but also of the labour market in cities.
Good Practice
Coordinated national approach to mainstreaming migration into development planning

Costa Rica has a 10-year framework for a Comprehensive Migration Policy (2013–2023), which addresses human mobility by enhancing the inclusion of migrants in its territory. In particular, the Canton of Upala shares a border with Nicaragua and has daily transfrontier movements of Nicaraguan people working, studying or accessing the health system.

Upala has pioneered a local development plan in which migration is a central focus, with an inclusive and rights-based approach, which has been extended not only to the local population, including resident migrants, but also to the transborder population, fostering entrepreneurship, facilitating access to credit and promoting training programmes for women’s empowerment.

This project has been successful because it has created awareness on the importance of mainstreaming migration into development planning. It has done so through:

  • An inclusive and rights-based approach;
  • Consulting with transfrontier and local populations to assess their needs and the potential for development;
  • Involving from early on institutional and private actors and civil society stakeholders.

Because of its success, the Upala model is being scaled up, and is currently taken as a model to be exported and adjusted to different border areas of Costa Rica.

To Go Further
La incorporación como proceso

La incorporación en la planificación tiene por objeto asegurar la coherencia entre las políticas que influyen en la migración y a su vez son afectadas por esta. Una forma de hacerlo es adoptando un enfoque pangubernamental de la migración. Este ejercicio debería considerarse un proceso y no un proyecto. Dado que el vínculo entre la migración y el desarrollo sostenible depende en sumo grado del contexto, no existe una fórmula única aplicable a todas las situaciones para esa incorporación. La migración puede integrarse en diferentes procesos o políticas, por ejemplo en un ámbito de política específico, en la planificación multianual del desarrollo, en estrategias de todo el gobierno o en los marcos de desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas.

La Agenda 2030 ofrece una oportunidad crucial de conectar el impacto de la migración con todo un abanico de cuestiones de desarrollo, gracias a su alcance mundial. Brinda la posibilidad de entender mejor los efectos que pueden tener determinadas políticas en la migración y los migrantes, y viceversa, y pide a los responsables de la adopción de decisiones y a los profesionales que adopten un enfoque holístico e integren la migración en soluciones que abarquen todos los ámbitos de política. De hecho, la Agenda 2030 invita a desplegar una colaboración proactiva entre las múltiples partes interesadas para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y no dejar a nadie atrás, e insiste en que los migrantes y la migración se tengan plenamente en cuenta en todos los esfuerzos de desarrollo sostenible (Riallant, 2019).

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IOM, 2016.

Mainstreaming migration will improve government efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. These efforts should also be at the heart of the implementation of the Global Compact for Migration which is based on cross-cutting and interdependent guiding principles, including “sustainable development” and a “whole-of-government approach” that requires “coherent and comprehensive responses” in recognition that “migration cannot be addressed by one government policy sector alone” (paragraph 15).

Although the mainstreaming process can take different forms, there are required steps and elements that need to be present, which will unfold over a relatively long period. The mainstreaming process can take several years to implement. For this reason, it should be considered a process rather than a project. The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) assists Member States to implement national development planning and provides a framework of four years for the entire process. However, due to current developments in technologies and new means of communications, a more speedy process is possible.

Table 2. The mainstreaming process


  • During the preparatory phase, a mandate from the government is required to legitimize the mainstreaming process, raise awareness and establish migration and sustainable development committees.


  • Establish a team of migration and sustainable development experts.
  • Appoint a senior government official as the focal point to lead the mainstreaming process. Ideally, this person should have the legitimacy to convene inter-ministerial consultations.
  • The focal point establishes an inter-ministerial working group focusing on a specific policy or legal framework as well as international obligations and commitments related to migration.
  • Provide the working group with existing studies and data sources on the link between migration and the specific policy sectors.
  • The working group produces a draft national plan of action and/or to provide capacity development activities related to data and other effective means to monitor migration impacts on development.


  • Identify key government actors (that is, ministries and administrative bodies at all levels of government) and external stakeholders (such as civil society or international organizations).
  • Hold an awareness-raising campaign to explain the broad objectives of the mainstreaming process and to encourage the participation of key stakeholders while ensuring diversity and equal representation.
  • Bring together identified actors to identify priorities and strategic goals.


  • Establish a national consultative platform on migration and development, typically composed of not only government institutions but also nongovernmental actors.
  • Organize a national consultative workshop to discuss the results of the situation analysis and define strategic objectives. This step ensures a common understanding among all relevant stakeholders.
  • Based on the workshop, draft a plan to mainstream migration into development policy (“a plan of action”), including strategic objectives, beneficiaries, accountability, resources and timing, decentralized mechanisms and coordination between different levels of governance (national and subnational). The policy can stand alone or can be integrated into existing frameworks or a specific sectoral policy.
  • Review the plan of action through a consultative process, for instance with the national consultative platform. Following the review, the plan will be adopted.


  • Evaluate technical and capacity needs through joint workshops, study visits, trainings, peer-to-peer learning, conferences and so on.
  • Increase the capacity of institutions that are not traditionally involved with migration, while increasing the capacity of migration-specific institutions on non-migration issues. This way, coordination among ministries is more effective.
  • Establish a funding plan and the institutionalization of the policy and its components.


  • Establish a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework to determine the following:
    • Is migration adequately integrated among different policy sectors and government levels?
    • How does the policy contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
    • Are stakeholders at the national/subnational levels supporting the implementation of the policy?
    • How are policy trade-offs and spillovers identified and addressed?
    • How are synergies created and maintained?
    • What transboundary impacts (such as international dialogue or cooperation) are initiated based on the assessment?
  • Depending on the governmental structure of a particular State, policy changes may need to be codified in various ways, including through legislative or regulatory implementation.
To Go Further
Policy Approaches
Mainstreaming migration into development planning

At the end of one cycle, success is determined by the institutionalization of the process. While the details can vary, the mainstreaming process always implies:

  • A legitimate mandate by the government;
  • A leading institution (the core team);
  • A knowledge base (the situation analysis);
  • Early involvement of various stakeholders, to ensure endorsement and ownership;
  • The creation of consultative mechanisms and bodies (including a national committee);
  • Capacity-building;
  • Monitoring and evaluation;
  • Connect migration mainstreaming efforts with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Global Compact for Migration.
Mensajes clave
  • La incorporación de la migración en la planificación del desarrollo supone elaborar políticas que reconozcan la interrelación de la migración con otros ámbitos de política.
  • La incorporación apunta a aumentar la coherencia de las políticas, establecer sólidos mecanismos de coordinación transectorial, reconocer la diversidad de las partes interesadas y hacerlas participar en todo el proceso.
  • Los mecanismos de incorporación de la migración en la planificación de las políticas varían según el contexto, y solo pueden elaborarse una vez que se han comprendido a fondo las realidades de la migración.
  • Las asociaciones son fundamentales para establecer mecanismos de incorporación.