Mode of Learning
Self-Paced How it works
45 minutes
Course Description

There is increased global awareness that urgent actions are needed to curb the effects of environmental and climate change. This also applies to migration. Many people are on the move because of environmental hazards such as floods, droughts and the longer-term effects of climate change. Who are the most vulnerable? How can States deal with the increasing number of people who are on the move because of environmental and climate change?   


Find out answers to these question and more in the EMM2.0 module on Migration, environment and climate change. This self-paced e-learning module explores how environmental change can drive migration, what types of movements result from environmental drivers and how migration can also serve as a strategy to adapt to environmental change. It also discusses whether there are international frameworks in place to protect migrants and what can be potential policy responses to address environmental migration. 

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this e-course, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the main terminology and international frameworks relating to environmental migration.  

  • Recognize how environmental and climate change can cause migration.  

  • Identify policy responses to be considered when tackling environmental migration, including those that aim to reduce forced movements or support the positive potential of migration. 


This online course is designed for stakeholders interested in migration policy: government officials with migration-related policy functions working at the national or sub-national level; other migration stakeholders, such as members of the civil society and diaspora organizations, academics, policy scholars, students and other individuals from teaching/research institutions. 

45 minutes
Course Outline

Topic 1: Introduction 

  • Interesting facts   

Topic 2: International frameworks and terminology 

  • What is an environmental migrant? 

  •  International legal frameworks  

  • Relevant international initiatives 

Topic 3: Types of environmental migration  

  • Types of environmental migration 

Topic 4: Policy responses and interventions  

  • Who are the most vulnerable? 

  • Managing environmental migration 

  • The positive role migration can play – Migration as adaptation to climate change 

Topic 5: Scenario – identifying policy interventions 

Topic 6: Summary and Assessment