EMM2.0 training sessions to be implemented in three Caribbean countries

IOM Guyana and Regional Coordination Office for the Caribbean - The International Organization for Migration (IOM), as part of its broader work under the Western Hemisphere Program (WHP), is expected to implement online-facilitated EMM2.0 training in three Caribbean countries – Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. 

As part of the Western Hemisphere Program’s activities to assist capacity development efforts of countries in the Caribbean to manage migration, the IOM Essentials of Migration Management 2.0 (EMM2.0) programme will hold online-facilitated training sessions with government officials in Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. While IOM has no offices in these Member-States, activities are managed from the IOM Regional Coordination Office for the Caribbean, IOM Guyana. 

Participants in each country represent a wide range of government agencies, from ministries/departments of immigration, emergency management, labour, diaspora, health, interior, foreign affairs, planning, and other institutions dealing with migration-related issues. The objective of these training sessions is to assist countries in their efforts to develop evidence-based migration management strategies by providing an opportunity to strengthen understanding and dialogue on essential considerations of good practices in migration management.  

Train the trainer sessions will occur in April, and the first of the sessions with government officials is expected to take place in June, and to continue in the three countries through August 2021.  

The training in the three Caribbean countries represents the first implementation in the world of completed EMM2.0 modules in the world. The training complements other activities in the countries in working towards mainstreaming migration and working towards the development of a migration policy. The Western Hemisphere Program is generously funded by the United States Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration.