EMM2.0 online training for Turkish foreign affairs officers

EMM2.0 organized three online training sessions with IOM in Turkey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and Ministry of Labour and Social Security (LSS) on 8-12 November. A total of 400 participants were trained on different aspects of migration management, including MFA consular officers and LSS labour attachés working at Turkish Missions abroad.

The Director-General of MFA (Ambassador), Director General of LSS, Head of Department of Presidency of Migration Management and IOM Turkey Chief of Mission delivered opening remarks at each webinar. Director Generals answered questions from participants.

Ninety-five per cent of participants expressed their satisfaction and found the content relevant to their work. As well, they requested more EMM2.0 training sessions on different aspects of migration management.

At the end of the training sessions, participant feedback from 103 respondents showed that 90 per cent of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that the workshop content was well matched with their job-related needs. In addition, 95 per cent of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that their increased knowledge from the workshop will help improve their work performance, and that the workshop format and materials were a useful aid to learning (i.e., slides, Q&A session with thematic experts).