EMM2.0 training implementations in Indonesia

Funded by the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MMPTF), IOM is currently implementing a joint programme, the Migration Governance for Sustainable Development in Indonesia (2022-2023), together with UN Women and UNDP. This programme aims to enhance migration governance in Indonesia by strengthening government capacities to promote evidence-based, gender responsive migration management at national and sub-national levels.

In order to contribute towards the overall objective of the programme, a three-day training-of-trainers (ToT) on the Essentials of Migration Management (EMM2.0) was conducted on 7-9 September 2022 for 15 national programme officers and heads of sub-offices in IOM Indonesia. The event aimed to offer a learning process that builds knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours on migration management in order to prepare future trainers in presenting information effectively, responding to participants’ questions and leading activities that reinforce learning.

Following the ToT, trained participants from IOM Jakarta were invited to roll out EMM2.0 curriculum at the country level for government counterparts, especially on priority migration topics in Indonesia. On 29-30 September, an external training for national stakeholders was held for various government ministries working directly or indirectly on migration policies, including two representatives of UN Women and UNDP. 

The purpose of this training for national stakeholders was to introduce key aspects of migration management while highlighting the importance of a whole-of-government approach in addressing migration policy challenges. The training covered the following modules: The global context of international migration; Migration management and the policy cycle; Migration and development; Regulating migration: Border management; Trafficking in persons; Labour migration; and finally, Gender migration.  

The training was delivered in Bahasa Indonesia.