EMM2.0 training-of-trainers at HQ in Geneva, Switzerland

With funding from the IOM’s Staff Development and Learning Unit (SDL), a two-day training-of-trainers (ToT) was held on 15-16 November 2021 at HQ in Geneva, Switzerland, for the EMM2.0 programme.

The participating DMM divisions included: Immigration and Border Management Division (IBM), Migration Health Division (MHD), Migration, Environment and Climate Change Division (MECC) and the IOM Development Fund (IDF).

The training event equipped nine participants with the necessary skills to organize and facilitate EMM2.0 training sessions in the future. Participants had the opportunity to practice delivering EMM2.0 modules – such as the Migration management and policy cycle; International migration law and human rights of migrants; Gender and migration – while benefitting from peer-to-peer feedback. The ToT was facilitated by African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) senior trainer, Jonathan Martens, based in the United Republic of Tanzania.

At the end of the training, participants were able to recognize learning styles, work with different audience types to evaluate training needs and establish appropriate objectives.

Eight workshop attendees participated in a course evaluation questionnaire after the training. All respondents strongly agreed or agreed that they were able to grasp key concepts presented in the workshop, that their increased knowledge from the workshop will help improve their facilitation skills, and that the workshop content was well-matched with their job needs.