EMM2.0 steered e-platform user-test

Geneva - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is conducting a user-test of the e-platform feature of the Essentials of Migration Management (EMM2.0) programme on 15 November 2019. 

EMM2.0, being the IOM’s flagship programme on migration management, has developed an e-platform to host approximately 30 online chapters. The handbook chapters lay out vital foundations of migration management, crafted through a joint effort of various thematic experts inside and outside of IOM, including leading academics in the field of migration as well as other UN agencies. The handbook content can be viewed either per thematic categories or by international frameworks such as SDG and GCM objective.

Further, the e-platform contains an easy-search feature through the IOM glossary as well as the e-library hosting a repository of essential resources on migration management. 

Chaired by Mr. Don Cochrane, Minister Counsellor (Migration and Refugees) of the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Office of the United Nations, the user-test took place during the 2nd Group of Friends meeting with various representatives of Geneva-based Permanent Missions. 

The event was facilitated by Mr. Xavier Orellana, IOM diversity and inclusion officer and migration training specialist. Other than testing the website’s functionality, one of the objectives of the exercise was to assess utility and relevance of the programme feature to the work of government officials. 

Mr. Gervais Appave also introduced EMM2.0 training module on migration management and the policy cycle which was then piloted in the United Republic of Tanzania two weeks after.