Inter-State consultation mechanisms on migration at the regional level are defined as:


The continued importance that States have placed on their engagement with RCPs shows the significance of regional cooperation to governments, and of a regional approach to migration management. Within these loose forums, alliances are created and strengthened, often leading to bilateral or multilateral agreements.

RCPs differ in terms of the issues they cover. Some RCPs focus exclusively on one area of migration; others address several areas of migration governance. RCPs addressing a specific area of migration management include the African Union Horn of Africa Initiative on Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Migrants (AU-HoAI, dedicated to counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling), the Regional Consultative Process on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labour for Countries of Origin in Asia (Colombo Process, dedicated to labour migration), COMMIT Process (dedicated to counter-trafficking). RCPs that address a wide array of migration issues include the Regional Conference on Migration (RCM), the South American Conference on Migration (SACM), the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa (MIDSA) and the Migration Dialogue for West Africa (MIDWA).

RCPs can be very effective in attaining consensus and developing common approaches. For example, since its establishment in 2000, the SACM has offered a forum for discussions leading to regional policy developments such as the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) Residence Agreement and the decisions of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) on the Andean Card for Migration and Andean Passport.

The non-binding outcomes of RCPs can be taken forward more concretely if those RCPs are formally associated with political and economic unions. For instance, RCPs in Africa have been quite successful in shaping regional policies and legislation on migration for the African Union regional economic communities. For example, the Migration Dialogue for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Region (MID-IGAD or IGAD RCP) facilitated the development of the IGAD Regional Migration Policy Framework adopted in 2012, the IGAD Migration Action Plan for 2015–2020, as well as other IGAD policy instruments related to migration.

Contributions by regional consultative processes on migration to regional policies
Contributions by regional consultative processes on migration to policy development at the national level
To Go Further
Key messages
  • While inter-State consultative mechanisms on migration (ISCM) may be organized differently, operate at different levels and focus on different issues, they play a significant role in contributing to the migration policy debate. They have contributed to the emergence of convergent policy approaches at the regional, interregional and international levels and to mainstreaming migration into the political agenda at the highest level.
  • Through consultation and dialogue, member States of inter-State consultation mechanisms at the regional level - (regional consultative processes (RCPs) on migration - can refine their understanding of different migration issues, benefit from capacity-building opportunities, contribute to shaping the regional and thematic agenda on topics of interest, and enhance their own migration policies and legislation.