Fundamentos en gestión de la migración (EMM2.0) es el programa insignia de la OIM en materia de gestión de la migración. Ofrece recursos en línea y capacitación básica a los funcionarios gubernamentales y a todas las partes interesadas que se ocupan de la migración. El programa pone de relieve la interacción entre las diferentes esferas temáticas y promueve una comprensión común de la migración mediante un enfoque pangubernamental. También impulsa la cooperación a nivel nacional, regional y mundial, al tiempo que explicita la pertinencia de los marcos internacionales, como el Pacto Mundial para la Migración y la Agenda 2030, en la labor cotidiana de los funcionarios gubernamentales y otras partes interesadas.


  • El manual: Brinda acceso a capítulos en línea que cubren una visión general breve pero completa de las áreas temáticas y fundacionales de la gestión de la migración.

  • El librería en línea (e-Library)dirige a los usuarios del sitio web a un repositorio de recursos que incluye documentos fundamentales de la OIM y de las Naciones Unidas, así como otros recursos sobre la gestión de la migración.

  •  Los cursos: un portal en línea que contiene diversas modalidades de capacitación ofrecidas en el marco del programa EMM2.0. Ello incluye un catálogo de módulos en línea de ritmo personalizado, así como sesiones de capacitación presenciales e híbridas.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué distingue al Programa EMM2.0?

Como programa insignia para toda la institución, el programa EMM2.0 se basa en el legado del primer programa EMM. Ofrece el catálogo más completo de capítulos de manuales en línea y módulos de capacitación, que cubre todo el espectro de la gobernanza y la gestión de la migración a nivel básico. Dada la variedad de contenidos cubiertos por el programa, EMM2.0 destaca las interacciones entre diferentes sectores de políticas, así como los vínculos entre varias áreas temáticas. Al hacerlo, el programa construye una comprensión holística de la gestión y la gobernanza de la migración con un enfoque de todo el gobierno.

Who is the EMM2.0 Programme for?

The programme is intended for the professional development of government officials responsible for formulating and implementing migration-related policies and programmes, as well as other stakeholders dealing with migration. The writing and editorial teams’ goal has been to produce material within the comfortable reach of people who are new to the field. However, a very broad readership is envisaged, including more experienced practitioners wishing to refresh their skills, academics, students and those who simply wish to better understand what migration is and how it might be managed more effectively.

Does EMM2.0 prescribes what migration management should be?

Migration management, like other complex government undertakings, is not easily reducible to a set of dry and mechanical “you do this and then that” instructions. And yet, migration management is not a haphazard “throw ideas together until they make sense” activity either. There has to be room, on the one hand, for purposeful and orderly action; and on the other, for flexible and creative thought. 

EMM2.0 does not seek to prescribe a one-size-fits-all, standardized approach to what should be done by countries of origin, transit or destination. Rather, EMM2.0 proposes principles and practices that have been found to be broadly useful over time. These are not intended to be followed blindly: migration is too multistranded and too context-sensitive for that. They are meant instead to offer guidance, to impart a broad sense of purpose and order to migration management while allowing practitioners the freedom to respond intelligently to the challenge at hand. The focus throughout is on the search for practical answers.

Additionally, before every training The EMM2.0 works with relevant country office or regional office to contextualize the materials. 

Who developed the EMM2.0 programme?

The Handbook which is the foundation of the EMM2.0 Programme is the result of a collaborative exercise among an IOM Advisory Committee, IOM divisions, units and field offices and external experts. Under the guidance of internal subject matter experts and the Policy Editor, the chapters were drafted by research consultants, academics, former government officials and IOM staff. The contributions made by reviewers and the Policy Editor focused on ensuring the chapters were comprehensive, accurate, up-to-date and policy relevant. United Nations agencies were also invited to provide inputs to relevant chapters to ensure coherence with ongoing work.

Can I take EMM2.0 course online or is the training only available in a classroom-based setting?

EMM2.0 courses can be implemented face-to-face, online or a combination of different learning modalities in a blended manner. Such flexibility is especially relevant in the context of COVID-19, whereby organizing in-person workshops can be challenging. EMM2.0 also offers a wide selection of self-paced e-learning courses which can be taken remotely and globally anytime throughout the year.

Are EMM2.0 courses free of charge?

Approximately 20 self-paced e-learning courses are free of charge and are available throughout the year. Other programme features, such as the Handbook and E-Library can also be accessed online by the wider public at no cost. However, facilitated courses (either face-to-face or online training) require costs associated with the venue rental, catering, printing, stationery and other miscellaneous items. Contact for more information.

Will I receive a certificate after finishing the EMM2.0 courses?

Yes, participants will be asked to complete the course evaluation and self-assessment forms at the end of every training. Upon receipt of the evaluation forms, a certification of completion will be issued. Participants’ feedback is very critical so that the EMM2.0 team can further develop and improve the training materials.

As for the self-paced e-learning modules, there is a final assessment at the end to test your understanding of the content. You must score at least 70 per cent to pass and receive a certificate of completion. If you score less than 70 per cent, you can retake the assessment multiple times. Your highest score will be retained. However, the assessment must be completed in one sitting. If you leave your screen during the assessment and the module becomes inactive, you will have to restart again.

How can I register to EMM2.0 face-to-face or blended trainings?

EMM2.0 trainings are organized upon the request of IOM country missions or Regional offices. Participants are nominated between the relevant IOM offices and the ministries or department. If the institution you represent or belong to is interested in receiving EMM2.0 training, we would be glad to consider an official request. Please contact the closest IOM office in your country or region and/or at While navigating the training catalogue, you can also click on request a training and send us your message via the e-platform.

Why should I register to the e-Platform?

We invite all users to register in order to use the full features of the e-platform.

When you register to the platform you will gain access to your own Dashboard with your reading bookmarks and your courses. Only registered users can enroll to the e-learnings and get a certificate after completion. 

Additionally if you are a participant to a face-to-face or blended training, you will gain access to a virtual training space where you can find all your course materials, take your assignments, provide feedback and evaluate the training. In case if you encounter any issue in accessing your virtual space please reach out to with your username information. 

Is EMM2.0 available in other languages?

While all materials are available in English, selected face-to-face modules and handbook chapters will also soon be available in Spanish, French, Turkish and Bahasa Indonesia. We are continuously engaging in fundraising efforts to be able to translate our materials into multiple other languages.

The e-platform is currently only available in english. 

Where can I find additional resources?

EMM2.0 offers a repository of essential resources, e-Library, conveniently broken down per thematic area or by other searchable fields such as regional coverage, year of publication, language, as well the types of resource. You may also access the list of documents used during the chapter development process by accessing the “Reference” list on the right-hand side tab of each chapter and “To go further…” resources if you wish to dive in deeper into certain topics.

I have further question, who should I contact?

If you have further questions and require additional information, please send an email to

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