Mode of Learning
Self-Paced How it works
45 minutes
Course Description

With population movements across borders increasing, international cooperation on migration is essential.  No single government, international organization, private sector organization or civil society stakeholder can expect to reap migration’s benefits or address its challenges by managing it alone. What actors are involved? What kind of partnerships are they looking for? What are the outcomes of international cooperation? 


The EMM2.0 module on International Cooperation on Migration explores how States, as the primary actors in managing migration, partner with each other and other governmental and non-governmental actors to address migration challenges and to find new, creative and effective solutions to them. It discusses the roles of the various actors involved and ways for States to partner with them at the international level. The module also discusses the mechanisms and processes through which international cooperation takes place, such as inter-State consultation mechanisms. Finally, it provides an overview of major initiatives and commitments that resulted from inter-State collaborative efforts to address various aspects of migration.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this e-course, participants will be able to: 

  • Identify the actors involved in migration, their roles, and ways to partner with them.  

  • Describe the role that inter-State policy dialogues can play in shaping migration governance and management.   

  • Understand the role of key global initiatives and commitments in advancing international cooperation on migration.  


This online course is designed for stakeholders interested in migration policy: government officials with migration-related policy functions working at the national or sub-national level; other migration stakeholders, such as members of the civil society and diaspora organizations, academics, policy scholars, students and other individuals from teaching/research institutions. 


45 minutes

As we go through this module, it would be useful to complement your learning by reading the EMM2.0 chapters on:  

Course Outline

Topic 1 : Introduction 

  • What does international cooperation entail? 

Topic 2 : Actors and partnerships for migration 

  • Importance of partnerships 

  • Actors: States 

  • Actors: Intergovernmental organizations 

  • Actors: Civil society and the private sector 

Topic 3: Inter-State policy dialogues on migration 

  • Aspects of inter-State policy dialogues 

  • Inter-State consultation mechanisms at the regional level: RCPs 

Topic 4 : Initiatives and commitments addressing migration 

  • Bilateral, regional and global initiatives and commitments addressing migration 

  • The Global Compact for Migration  

  • Key global initiatives and commitments addressing thematic aspects of migration 

Topic 5 : Summary and assessment