EMM2.0 training-of-trainers in Tunis

In coordination with IOM Regional Office in Cairo and the African Capacity Building Center (ACBC), a three-day regional training-of-trainers (ToT) was held in Tunis, Tunisia from 21 to 23 June 2023. The purpose was to establish a cohort of facilitators who will cascade and roll out the Essentials of Migration Management (EMM2.0) curriculum at the country level for government counterparts in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 

The ToT curriculum offered a learning process aiming to build knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours on migration management in order to prepare future trainers in presenting information accurately and leading activities that reinforce learning. It focused on imparting instructional skills and adult learning principles to enhance the capacity of aspiring trainers in designing and delivering effective training sessions according to their own regional and national contexts. 

Twelve national officers working with government officials, more specifically on policy issues, and with prior training delivery experience from IOM Missions in Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia attended the ToT. After the training, participants are expected to roll out EMM2.0 training curriculum for their government counterparts in their respective Missions, while maintaining close coordination with the Regional Office in Cairo, Headquarters and ACBC based in Moshi, Tanzania. 

Ensuring consistent training methodologies, as a result of this ToT, will help maintain the quality and uniformity in training projects across various IOM Missions in the MENA region. Furthermore, the learning event contributes to the long-term sustainability of EMM2.0 as IOM's flagship training programme through a multiplier effect, expanding the reach and enabling knowledge and skills to be disseminated to a larger audience.