EMM2.0 National Training in Niger for Government Officials and Civil Society Organizations

Niger, a country of departure, transit, and destination, is playing a crucial role in managing migration flows in the West and Central African region. The country is currently facing many migration challenges, including in the Agadez region at the border with Algeria and Libya.

To support the government's ongoing efforts in managing migration, IOM has organized a three-day training on the Essentials of Migration Management for government officials and civil society organizations. By providing participants with the necessary knowledge and tools to manage migration effectively, the training is expected to contribute to the government's efforts to strengthen its approach to migration management and promote the protection of migrants' human rights in Niger.

Participants have been trained on essential topics related to migration management, including the global context of international migration, the development of efficient and sustainable migration policies, the international migration law and human rights of migrants, gender and migration, child migration, human trafficking and migration, environment, and climate change.

The EMM2.0 National Training has been a resounding success, with more than 90 per cent of the participants "strongly agreeing" that the knowledge and skills acquired in this training are relevant and will help them improve their work performance. This outcome is a testament to the training's effectiveness and the commitment of the participants to improve migration management practices in Niger. Further, the training offered a dialogue platform by convening key actors from various backgrounds and intervening at different stages of migration management, allowing them to share about their work and initiatives as well as exchange ideas and best practices.

IOM is grateful to the Netherlands for their support to the COMPASS programme, their contribution have made this event possible.  

IOM Niger remains committed to supporting the government of Niger in its efforts to promote a comprehensive and sustainable approach to migration governance and management.