Learning Objective
Learning objectives
  • Understand the importance of communicating on migration
  • Recognize the need for and use of correct terminology
  • Describe the key principles of communication
  • Be familiar with communicating on migration in the digital age
Communication in the context of migration

The debate on migration in many countries continues to polarise attitudes. Widespread disinformation and the increasing importance of social media are characteristic of the communication landscape. In this context, it has become critical for policymakers, the media and civil society to understand how to communicate on migration.

Migration may be among the oldest human stories, but it is not always told properly. Much research has been conducted on migration. But among the general population, migration remains largely misunderstood. Some narratives, often based on faulty assumptions, have become established and are difficult to displace. These faulty narratives negatively affect not only individuals but also entire communities. We need accurate communication on migration to fight stereotypes, discrimination and xenophobia, as well as to effectively manage migration.

The drivers of migration vary, and migrants each have individual stories that make their journeys unique. However, modern developments shape how people migrate, how migration is viewed, and the global response to both. Most people in the world’s main destination countries believe that migrants strengthen their countries (Gonzalez-Barrera and Connor, 2019). In almost every region, people are more likely to want migration to stay at similar levels or increase (Esipova et al., 2015). At the same time, though, discussions of migration and migrants as a security concern have been normalized in too many countries. Strategic and proactive communication is required to counteract this, and to re-establish a widespread understanding of migration as normal and beneficial.

The importance of communicating on migration

Good communication can be a migration management tool that provides many benefits. Clear information, communicated transparently, can make migration more orderly and manageable. It can also increase awareness of the basis for migration policy and initiatives.

Information is important for migration because it can:

  • Make national migration policy objectives and procedures more transparent;
  • Be an important part of the process of deciding to migrate;
  • Support integration and social cohesion;
  • Support socially and politically stable societies;
  • Inform and influence public opinion;
  • Support public trust in government;
  • Provide better protection to migrants;
  • Help uphold migrant rights and support migrant obligations.

Government communication strategies will vary, depending on the target audience and the specific purpose of the communication. For example, communication to attract migrants through regular pathways would use a variety of communication channels to provide clear information on how to access pathways, encouraging safe, orderly and regular migration while warning of the potential dangers of irregular migration. Ideally, this would include proactive communications on the rights and responsibilities of migrants, and how migrants can access those rights and the services available to them. It would also be transparent about the data and sources it was based on.

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IOM/Ray Leyesa, 2014.

Communicating on migration is a responsibility that government shares with other groups and institutions. Communication to the national public aiming to dispel myths and negative migration narratives needs the support of media through whole-of-society approach. Such an approach will also represent migration in relation to other policy issues (“whole-of-government approach”) and avoid describing migration and migrants as the only problem and solution. Involving different partners makes for inclusive communications. Such partners might include migrants and local communities that are diverse and representative, local authorities, media and other relevant stakeholders.

This chapter outlines key principles of effective communication on migration. It covers the use of appropriate terminology and communication approaches, while drawing attention to different narratives on migration. Further, it provides some considerations of social media and the digital age as both challenges and opportunities for communicating on migration.