Mode of TrainingFacilitated Learning
×- Training will be done in person
- Participants may use their dashboard to download their files for the training.
This Regional Workshop on the Essentials of Migration Management 2.0 (EMM 2.0) brought together 21 high-level officials from G5 Sahel Commission, Liptako-Gourma from eight (8) countries: Chad, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. The primary objective was to create a platform for Member States and other regional and subregional entities to exchange and highlight the interaction between different thematic areas in migration management with a view to build a common and holistic understanding on migration management across the region.
Over the course of three (3) days, the participants engaged in comprehensive discussions on key migration management issues, including the global and regional context of migration, the development of efficient and sustainable migration policies, health and migration, border management, trafficking in persons, mobility dimensions of crisis, migration, environment and climate change, labour migration, social inclusion and integration and migration and development. The fruitful exchanges enabled government officials to identify areas of enhanced coordination between different ministries, agencies, and institutions at the national, regional and international levels.
By bringing together government and sub-regional organizations officials involved in different areas of migration and policy sectors, these initiatives enhance coordination, accountability and expand the scope of engagement in migration management, ultimately promoting more effective and sustainable responses to the challenges posed by migration in the region.
High-level officials from G5 Sahel Commission, Liptako-Gourma from eight (8) countries: Chad, Gabon, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
- Acquire a global and regional understanding of migration and the correlations between the various fields of migration management.
- Feel empowered to lead migration policies by following the steps of the policy cycle.
- Consider migration as both an asset and a manageable challenge.
- Value and promote collaboration across government and civil society in migration policy decision-making.

Dakar, Senegal